Our Vision 

is to work in a sustainable manner for our clients, employees, and the wider community. Where our partnerships with all stakeholders are based on respect, doing no harm, and protecting human welfare. We want our activities to avoid and mitigate harm to our common environment through climate change or destruction of biodiversity.

Our Goal

is to be the partner of choice for our clients. At Esmark Finch Print and Packaging, we are dedicated to working with them to produce print and packaging requirements that meet the highest standards in health, safety, quality, and protection of the environment. We are committed to conducting our business in a way that is respectful to the environment and to actively managing our activities and production in a sustainable manner.

Since 2013 we have built our reputation on quality, reliability, and the highest professional standard of service. By listening to our customers and sharing our understanding and expertise with them, we enable our clients to make informed decisions about how best to present and package their brand and/or products. Our wealth of experience and professionalism have led us to build strong relationships with clients in the Food, Drink, Pharmaceutical, MedTech & Retail sectors.

Our Policy

It is our Policy at Esmark Finch Print & Packaging Ltd to endeavour to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the needs of the future. We work to be profitable, but not at the expense of people or the environment. We are committed to sustainable development and to reducing our environmental impact, protecting human welfare, natural resources, and biodiversity. We do this by implementing a considered sustainability strategy built around the impact of our activities.

Our strategy is built on  analysis of our operations and supply chain, identifying areas where we can make meaningful improvements in our environmental footprint and social responsibility. We prioritize transparency and accountability, regularly communicating our progress and challenges to stakeholders.

Additionally, we actively seek out innovative solutions and partnerships to further advance our sustainability goals. By integrating sustainability into every facet of our business, we strive to create long-term value for our stakeholders while contributing positively to the world around us.

Our Strategy

At Esmark Finch Print & Packaging we believe we should go beyond the basics of ethical business practices and embrace our responsibility to people and planet. Our intention is that this will bring collective value to our staff, the environment and society.

As a constant and intrinsic part of our business, we understand that our operations affects the environment. Our strategy is to improve how we use resources to reduce our environmental impact while still meeting organisational and business requirements.

Our Environmental Sustainability Strategy is focused on the activities that have significant environmental impacts across our operations and sets out the pathways to improve our operational efficiency while mitigating negative environmental impacts. This includes lowering cost  and reducing the environmental footprint of our operations by focusing on:

  • Having the most sustainable operation and packaging supply chain  –
  • Energy efficiency and renewable sourcing
  • Waste reduction and recycling.
  • Transport emissions minimisation

Our Commitments

As part of our Sustainability Strategy, we aim to improve our organisation’s environmental performance. We will comply with all relevant environmental legislation and commit to:

  • Incorporating environmental best practice into our annual plans and business processes.
  • Undertaking responsible resource management practices that aim to prevent pollution, protect biodiversity and reduce waste.
  • Working closely with suppliers and stakeholders to continually improve business processes which affect the environment.
  • Exploring innovative environmental management approaches in the use of renewable energy, waste management, transport emissions reduction and supporting technologies.
  • Fostering ownership of environmental activities by staff through education towards building a strong environmentally aware culture.
  • Communicating our Environmental Sustainability Policy to all staff, making it available and enable ongoing training.
  • We commit to a target of Zero Waste to Landfill by 2026

Supply Chain

We prioritise the use of recyclable, biodegradable and compostable materials. Our Purchasing Operating Procedure & Supply Chain Management outline how we select our business partners and the products they supply for the ongoing sustainability of our supply chain. Procedures are reviewed annually and audited throughout the year.

We commit to ensuring a safe and comfortable working environment which complies with all relevant regulations and best practice are followed. We are committed to promoting the well-bring of our employees, respecting human rights and fostering diversity and inclusion. Our Staff Handbook, version 3 outlines the employment experience members of the EFPP team can expect. We place a strong emphasis on the health and well-being of our employees to create a supportive workplace culture.

Resources and Materials

We do not use materials hazardous when exposed to the health of our employees, clients, or the public. We do not directly source materials from endangered species, plants, biospheres, or unsustainable sources. We assess the suitability of all our sources materials for life cycle and circular economy. We do not source materials or supplies which rely on forced, slave, or child labour.

Energy Efficiency

Our production facility is supplied by 100% renewable energy from the national grid.

As our production processes and equipment are powered by electricity that is 100% renewable, we are considered a low emissions operation. Our facility has an energy consumption per annum of 45.08 tonnes of carbon. 98% of this carbon is avoided by purchasing 100% renewable energy. Therefore, our net Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (Carbon Footprint) total less than 1 tonne per annum.  (based on 12-month data 2022-2023).


Our water use is minimal and composed primarily of social demand by staff. The reduction of environmental impact is done through green initiatives e.g., use of biodegradable and or/reusable food containers e.g., cups, glasses, plates, and silverware (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle). The drinking water system is filtered for staff usage.


The entire fleet of Esmark Finch Print & Packaging are EV’s. In Ireland transport accounts for 39% of greenhouse gas emissions. It is proven that these emissions contribute to climate change. Our goal is to is to constantly strive to reduce emissions in the environment. Electric Vehicles have zero tailpipe emissions. Being quieter and smoother to drive our transport strategy helps reduce the stresses of driving and noise pollution. The emission avoidance achieved in 2022 by using EV’s is equivalent to 12,870 kgs of carbon.


Our Waste Management Standard Operating Procedure  (SOP) outlines how waste is monitored, managed, and recycled by Esmark Finch Print & Packaging. The waste falls into the following categories:

  • Mixed Municipal Waste
  • Mixed Municipal Recycled
  • Cardboard
  • Boxboard
  • Cardboard
  • Mixed Paper
  • Multi Grade Paper
  • Wooden Packaging
  • Commercial Bulky Waste
  • Ink Toner Cartridges

Ink toners are collected by the supplier for recycling and re-use. All Paper, board & wood is recycled by an approved agency.

Reduction goals are set at each procedural review meeting for each category and audited throughout the year.

Management Review 

Our sustainability strategy is reviewed by senior management quarterly, including organisational responsibility. Our operations Manager is responsible for auditing the relevant operating procedures that ensure the sustainability of the workplace and its activities. An Executive level sustainability review is held annually.

Esmark Finch Print & Packaging – Future Goals

Efforts to improve energy efficiency and reduce waste in packaging production can have financial and social benefits. In this endeavour, the organisation is committed to achieving the economic, environmental, and social responsibility objectives as set out in our Sustainability Policy by:

  • Establishing an internal Environmental Sustainability Working Group.
  • Supporting the Environmental Sustainability Working Group to represent each organisational stream who will meet monthly. The aim is to support a sustainable working environment by focusing on ways to reduce our office & production energy usage and waste while exploring additional sustainable initiatives.
  • Setting times and targeted sustainability actions that can be achieved in the short, medium and long terms.
  • Informing staff through monthly meetings annual staff day and additional feedback mechanisms as required.

This Environmental Sustainability Policy signals our intent to operate sustainably and create a sustainable future for the benefit of the environment, print and packaging services and the communities we serve.

We look forward to working together to create a sustainable future for the benefit of our environment, employees, and the wider community.

Additional Considerations

While the primary focus of our Environmental Sustainability Policy is on incorporating environmental awareness into our strategic processes, the concept of sustainability relates not only to the environment, but also to other important issues such as economic, cultural, social and personal sustainability.

At Esmark Finch Print & Packaging, we are committed to ensuring our staff are informed of the additional aspects of environmental sustainability such as:

  • Economic   •   Cultural   •   Social   •   Personal



Declan Halton

Managing Director